Cereal Rye 48 lb Bag
Earthway Setting 4.5 to 5 when planting 150-200lbs per acre - Buy Now - Earthway Spreader 2750
Rye is the true workhorse of all seed varieties. Rye germinates in the coldest conditions compared to any other seed variety, and grows in the poorest conditions including both low pH and Fertility levels. There is also no other seed variety that germinates as easily as rye. Rye isn't a glamour crop, but it gets the job done when other options have failed, and can be used to cover up the mistakes of other seedings well into the Fall.
This Rye seed comes in a 48 lb bag.
144 lbs per acre
48 lb bag plants 1/3 of an acre
Seed will always ship on this day, or by next business day!
(Next Day Air Shipping will need to be selected no later than 12pm on Thursdays for a Friday delivery. Any Next Day Air shipments placed after 12pm Thursday may not arrive till that following Monday.)