Extreme Switch Perma Cover
Earthway Setting 1.5 - Buy Now - Earthway Spreader 2750
Similar to our Northern and Southern specific switchgrass blends, our Extreme switchgrass is designed to withstand extreme conditions of both dryer and/or extreme northern settings. From the arid western states to the sandy soils near the Great Lakes, and finally to the extreme portions of the upper Midwest and North East, this could be your perfect poor soil switchgrass solution.
-Seed varieties: A proprietary blend of a high % of the most appropriate base variety of switchgrass for your planting zone, combined with shorter, stiffening varieties to assist in strengthening your planting on a long term basis.
-Longevity: Perennial
-Sunlight needed: Full Sun
-When to plant: Spring
-Purpose: A region specific premium switchgrass blend with high germination rates, designed to last for decades if taken care of, while providing screening, escape and nesting cover for deer, rabbits, pheasants, quail, turkeys and other critters.
-How tall will this grow: 5' - 8'
4lb bag plants 1/2 acre
20lb bag plants 2.5 acres
Seed will always ship on the day of your order or the next business day!
(Next Day Air Shipping will need to be selected no later than 12pm on Thursdays for a Friday delivery. Any Next Day Air shipments placed after 12pm Thursday may not arrive till that following Monday.)